This word is too easy to guess … once you’ve found there are three Y’s (which is your 6th guess, right?) there’s nothing else it can be. Short words with common letters in common patterns are harder.
another fun thing to have use for hangman is “a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” simply for the look on their faces once they realize every letter is in there
I use that word in hangman all the time! Nobody ever gets it.
This word is too easy to guess … once you’ve found there are three Y’s (which is your 6th guess, right?) there’s nothing else it can be. Short words with common letters in common patterns are harder.
“Syzygial” is better. People guess “y” all the time, but not if they fine “ial” at the end of the word first.
another fun thing to have use for hangman is “a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” simply for the look on their faces once they realize every letter is in there
Syzygy is my favorite word!