The statement I just proved:
If (A,m) is a commutative quasi-local ring and M is a finitely presented flat module, then M is free.
The statement I just proved:
If (A,m) is a commutative quasi-local ring and M is a finitely presented flat module, then M is free.
That’s really funny I was a dufus at algebra at school so this made my day.
I got nothing of that. What’s that?
Prop. 1) Arrow-chasing proofs would make more sense if one learned category theory first.
(In particular, what’s all this “natural transformation” crap — all transformations are equally unnatural…)
Prop. 2) Category theory is unintelligible until you’ve done a bunch of arrow-chasing proofs.
(Well, those arrows go from here to there … Did I inadvertently prove something?)
Theorem 1) Proceed by induction…