@Chad – I actually have bribed a TA with cookies before. It was only indirectly for a better grade – I was pretty late to a chem lab and though that an “offering” would help my chances of being allowed in.
Have you ever actually had this happen? I’m a guy, so sometimes I… think about that stuff. I’m sure many male TAs do, if only in passing. And it doesn’t help that I’m only a few years older than my students… -_-
Cookies are ALWAYS a better idea, in my experience
“I’ll do anything for a better grade.”
“Great, then do your homework.”
learned something new.
going to *wink* a lot.
@Sylvia: Good answer.
@Chad – I actually have bribed a TA with cookies before. It was only indirectly for a better grade – I was pretty late to a chem lab and though that an “offering” would help my chances of being allowed in.
Have you ever actually had this happen? I’m a guy, so sometimes I… think about that stuff. I’m sure many male TAs do, if only in passing. And it doesn’t help that I’m only a few years older than my students… -_-
Luckily, I’m too moral to seriously consider it.