Pun Mode
(edited) Hi folks–something got broken, and I’m doing my best to fix it. Please bear with me during these difficult times.
(edited) Hi folks–something got broken, and I’m doing my best to fix it. Please bear with me during these difficult times.
Clever! Did I give you the idea of mode and most?
Mom, you did!
Am I the only person who cannot see the image? I had to go fish for it to find it here: https://brownsharpie.courtneygibbons.org/wp-content/comics/2009-09-02-mode.jpg
The img tag in the source seems to be incorrectly pointing to https://brownsharpie.courtneygibbons.org instead
hi courtney,
usually i get your comics, but not this one? pun-mode and no image. i don’t understand…
So was “fitting” also intentional?