The End (for now)
(download the commemorative desktop wallpaper: 4:3 (1280×1024) or 16:10 (1280×800))
I quit (kinda)!
I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I have a lot of good reasons: I’m not having fun anymore, three times a week is too often, I’m not really all that funny, I’m not that much of an artist, my mom is starting to understand too much math because of this comic, etc. So for now, I’ve decided to let my Brown Sharpie pursue other hobbies while I focus on things that make me happy (like grad school! and beer! and fuzzy kitties!).
What does this mean for you, dear reader? Well, I’ll keep the site up indefinitely. When I think of a joke that I just have to share, I’ll throw it here. Guest artist submissions are still encouraged. Caption contests may occasionally happen. I’m open to doing some stuff–for free, for commission; make me an offer. I might rework some of my older favorites to make them more artistic. I’m thinking of putting all the comics into a book. I’ll still sell stuff via cafepress. And one day, I might decide to do this three times a week again. You never know!
If you want to keep abreast of the sporadic updates, I suggest that you subscribe via RSS.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for being huge, wonderful, fantastic, immensely attractive, mathematically-savvy geeks!
If you’re at the Joint Meetings in San Francisco, be sure to say “Hi!” I’ll be the nerdy mathematician…
(seriously, though; say “Hi” and I’ll draw you a doodle! Or leave me a message on the old school message board and I’ll draw you a doodle. F*** it, I’m just gonna draw you a doodle. Come find me to get it.)
I understand, but it makes me very sad. I have enjoyed your comic for a long time and it is on my list of must check sites 3 times a week. My students have also enjoyed the ones I’ve shown in class … they feel smart when they get it! Thanks for all the smiles!
I enjoyed your work, thanks and good luck.
Thanks for the entertainment. All the best to you.
I, for one, think you’re incredibly funny. I’m also not sure that “better art” would actually be a good thing — stick men just kinda /work/ for this one. Not sure how to deal with the mom thing — perhaps she’s not drinking enough (or, rather, too much, having known a few mathematicians in my day)?
Please, don’t let it be so!
What a pity – there are far too few mathematicians drawing webcomics out there!
But when life gives you a change, you’re better off taking it than clinging to the old habits and necessities. Good luck with your life and thanks for everyting!
“I’m not having fun anymore, three times a week is too often”: Pardoned
“I’m not really all that funny”: You don’t get to decide that, we do.
” I’m not that much of an artist “: Why do you need to?
“my mom is starting to understand too much math because of this comic”: haha
I stopped blogging sometime back due to similar reasons. And it has given me a lot of time to do other little things. So even though I feel sad (and immensely so) as a reader (yours was one of the first webcomics i would click on in my feeds), I wish you the very best with your time and hope this is just a pause.
(Comp.Sci. undergrad)
I’ll miss you brown sharpie! I remember the ol’ days in Tutt Science center reading your first jokes.
Man! Those were the days!
That’s a shame, we’ll really miss the comics! Enjoy the beer and math and kitties!
Thanks for all the good work and good luck with the studies!
best of luck, I know just how it feels. But you ARE funny. Thanks for all those comics.
I hate when good things come to an end, but I suppose they have to eventually. This is one of my favorite comics and also one of the first web comics that I followed.
Your wit will be missed.
I know whereof you speak, but from this side of the screen, it’s been a lot of fun. Enjoy the down time!
I’m already in withdrawal and it isn’t pleasant!! I hope you do some every once in a while. I will truly miss your site. I think a book of brown sharpies is a good idea. Love, MOM
Unfortunately, I only recently found your strip and have only been following it for few weeks. I read the entire archive, however, and I’m a big fan. You did an excellent job, and you are indeed funny.
I don’t know what your detailed plans are, but scaling back to only publishing once a week might be a better compromise. I was impressed from day 1 that you tried to do a math-devoted comic three times a week.
At any rate, your humor will be missed. Thanks for all the strips. :-)
Aw. This comic has been a lot of fun. I’ll look out for you at the Joint Meetings (I love sketches).
Well, darn. I just discovered your stuff a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for what you have done, and good luck!
Aloha! You’re funnier than you think! And amusing too! Good luck with wherever your Brownian motion takes you!
I think you’re making a big mistake. The comic is really fun, and I really don’t why you should stop it. If three times a week is too much, reduce it to one, but don’t stop – you’ll end up regretting it.
Personally, I shall treat this as an indefinite hiatus, so consider me still a fan in waiting. Having taken a stab at a webcomic in the past, I heartily understand the need to let them go, though the plus side of no one reading mine is no one complained when I stopped. Thanks for the laughs and have fun with your math!
you’ve been in my COMICS rss folder for months and i enjoyed your work. i hope you find another creative outlet that you can share with everyone.
Thank you for all that you’ve done. I, and (some of) my students have enjoyed your work.
Aw dang, THIS isn’t the news I want to read! I’ll miss your comic, at least as a thrice-weekly event, and a huge THANK YOU for making me smile so many times!
This makes me super sad. Just when I get to the point that I can understand most of it. But I agree that 3 times a week is quite a lot of extra work to throw on your plate. You are very funny though! Basically for the past month, every time I need to laugh I look at your “Lebusgue Measurable” comic. The a.e. part gets me every time. =)
When I get into grad school, that comic is going up in my office.
Dangnabbit… the day I discover this site is the day you quit?
Thanks for a great webcomic! You’re coming to visit the wrong half of the state, though! If you’re ever down by Los Angeles, let us know (I go to Caltech :D)
I really enjoy your comic!
Awww… I’m going to miss all your jokes. :o( All i gotta say is that i still enjoy this comic, and i’ll be waiting for you to make some sporadic jokes. So… Bye! Take care and have fun! :oD
Thanks for the comics :)
Oh no! My breakfasts will be much less fun now!
Thank you for so many laughs (at least 25% of which sent me running for Wikipedia, then back to you to actually get the joke that I just *knew* was in there :-] ) – you are very funny.
Hope your travels and adventures treat you well.
good luck to you
It will keep a special place in my rss reader for this site ;)
we’ll miss you! good luck!
I’m sorry I won’t be at the Joint Meetings this year to meet you! I’ve really enjoyed Brown Sharpie. Take care, and good luck!
I cried when I read this.
Joint Meetings in San Francisco! I must try to hang out with you while you are here! Let me know if you’ll have some time free and I’ll totally drive up into the city. We can get some food and have awkward conversation. (I make it sound appealing, right?)
It was always uplifting to see your stuff. Thanks. May your beer always be cold and your kittens warm and fuzzy.
I really enjoy reading the comics and I love the humour in them. Thanks for the laugh you brought. Definitely please do something you enjoy and have some fun. Wish you all the best!
See what you made Spike Math draw. They sent you kittens!!!
Well — I’m keeping you in my Math Folder or RSS Feeds so if you do post stuff (anything) I’ll see it and read it.
I’ve been a big fan for quite some time. They’ve definitely helped me during some times of intense misery thanks to being a PhD student. I’ve got your comics posted all over my office door and quite often get comments. It would be an honor to meet you or get a doodle from you at the JMM.
I understand how thankless a job a webcomic can be and so I would like to say thank you for your work so far. I’ve greatly enjoyed your strip since first encountering it back around 2008. We’ll miss you, but you’ll have to come back eventually. I mean, who will award this next year’s monoid of the year?
Well… let’s hope you find yourself with an abundance of jokes you need to share!
Have a good one and thanks for all the (good times infinity)!
Thanks for all the comics, they were really great. Keep working hard in grad school.
I was always so impressed that you managed 3 times a week on top of grad school, but if it’s not fun anymore, then you should definitely take a break. I’m looking forward to your future (pretty please? when you get a fabulous idea and must doodle?) postings.
I’ve printed out the “You haven’t earned the right!” comic for my classroom. It brings such joy to my heart.
Thanks for all the great comics – they have been making me laugh for years now. I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t sad. You inspired me as a math teacher! – AB, Canada
Although I do completely understand your decision, it is sad to read it here. In my opinion, the most recent comics were indeed less funny than they were in the past, so I guess you’re just having a sort of `comic drawer’s block’.
I’m already looking forward to your restarting to draw comics three times in a week, in one or two years. When your inspiration has come back again.
I still come here every once in a while hoping that ‘ll see a new comic. I miss borwnsharpie!
I just realized that I didn’t comment when I read this several months ago. I came back today just to see if you changed your mind. I see you haven’t.
Just so you know, there is another fan who misses you.
I’ve been a big fan for quite some time. They’ve definitely helped me during some times of intense misery thanks to being a PhD student. I’ve got your comics posted all over my office door and quite often get comments. It would be an honor to meet you or get a doodle from you at the JMM.
Where can we expect more comics?