Contest Winner
on October 2, 2008
at 11:40 am
Posted In: Uncategorized
Wow! I didn’t think so many people would guess!
The winner is Arkham, who guessed 4324. The actual number of visitors was 4205.
(I’d have thought a few more of you would have gone with 4200 in honor of Douglas Adams!)
I also decided since so many of you played the game, I’d pick a second winner–this winner was chosen by, who picked a random integer between 1 and 36. Congratulations, vegeta, for being 32nd to comment!
Discussion (7) ¬
/me giggles
All I have to say is that the information you gave us before the post was highly misleading. I point you to exhibit a wherein you say you have 300 regular readers. Which I assume means they don’t come every day. I now point you to exhibit b where you imply that last Sunday was a unique event. But if that 4,324 people came on Wednesday, then you must have had numbers somewhere between 6,000 and 4,000 on Monday and Tuesday. Basically, you set my expectations low and then deliberately gave me the wrong impression about your new found internet fame. As a long time reader, (seriously, who is more of a long time reader than me? We were in the same office when you started! I think… I don’t actually know where you wrote the first one) I am outraged that you betrayed me! And in such an underhanded way! Grrrr.
I wonder if/how the initial guess posted influenced the subsequent guesses.
@Benji: Personally, I am outraged that you so maliciously underestimated my popularity. Please. You were there at the beginning, it’s true–shouldn’t you have realized how Brown Sharpie was destined for fame? Fortune? Popularity? 4200 hits in a day?
Now you should recall that the contest was a challenge to guess the number of visitors on Sept 30, which was Tuesday, not Wednesday.
Below is a link to a usage graph from Google Analytics, with some relevant numbers highlighted. You’ll see that no information that I gave was untrue or misleading in the way you imply, you plucky little devil!
Nice site guys, carttoons are great and have really got me thinking about things!
Like the look and design of your site and the cartoon look – looks different probably why its attracted the hits!